We offer over 40 Bikram-inspired hot, flow, and yin yoga classes every week. We intend to help you meet your goals of a healthy mind, body and spirit. Our classes start early and go late into the evening on a daily basis, giving you plenty of opportunity to practice every day.
Our studio is a brand new facility, purpose-built with your comfort and yoga practice in mind. Situated on the west side of the Hudson Bay building, we are in downtown Victoria, just steps away from Chinatown, with easy transit access.
The home of Hudson Yoga is part of a growing development known as Hudson Walk, which is part of a vibrant residential-commercial neighbourhood. The original Hudson Bay building was built from concrete and steel between 1912 and 1921. The commitment to excellence that this building exudes mirrors our own philosophy.
When you step into the space you will see how the natural elements and abundant natural light provide comfort and soul, while the original concrete speaks to historic elements of both the building and the practice itself.
“This morning was my first time practicing in the new space. I would like to offer my congratulations on creating such a gorgeous studio. It has a sincere feeling to it, and I love the natural elements—the wood, stone, and glass. I have a renewed love of my practice now, thank you all so much!- Joan
“Life is great when you feel great. Thank you Hudson Yoga Victoria for being here. You are all wonderful!- Liza
Please remove your shoes when you enter the studio. Classes are practiced barefoot and in lightweight clothing.
Latecomers will not be permitted into class. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to class time.
Please turn off your mobile devices in the studio. They are absolutely not permitted into the practice room.
For the comfort of all please be scent-free. No perfumes, colognes, or fragrances.
No bags or personal belongings are allowed in the practice room. Please leave valuables at home.
Be mindful that others may be meditating prior to class. Please maintain silence in the practice room at all times.
Throughout the studio, please keep your voices low, as classes and wellness sessions may be taking place.
Remain in the practice room for the full duration of the class, including Savasana, the final resting pose.
Advise your instructor before class if you are new, have an injury, or a medical condition we should know about.
Please spray and hang your rental mats. And ask us about our mat and towel service for members.